Collagen to maintain muscle mass and a healthy weight

Can collagen supplements help maintain muscle mass and a healthy weight?

Absolutely! As long as your supplements are taken in conjunction with eating a healthy diet and regular exercise.

High protein diets are a preferred choice when it comes to maintaining and building lean mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest and during exercise, making weight maintenance and fat loss much easier. Diets high in protein also help suppress appetite, which means you are less likely to "cheat" on junk food!

Collagen contributes to your total daily protein intake and has been shown to be helpful in maintaining muscle mass, especially in older people. The only downside is that collagen is not particularly high in leucine, the primary amino acid responsible for initiating muscle protein synthesis (or muscle growth). For optimum results in maintaining muscle mass and weight, a minimum daily intake of 2,500 mg is recommended.

However, you shouldn't just rely on collagen supplements to meet your protein needs. Choosing quality protein sources throughout the day is essential.

In addition to your hydrolyzed collagen supplements, we recommend that you include lean proteins sources such as:

  • Beef
  • Poultry

  • Eggs

  • Lean pork

  • Salmon

  • Other low mercury fish and seafood

Vegans, on the other hand, might choose foods such as:

  • Soybeans

  • Beans

  • Peas

  • Lentils

  • Whole grains

Find our full line of high performance hydrolyzed collagen supplements here : :

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